
August 27, 2007



"The Weightiest Matter--The Unquenchable Fire in God's Heart"



The Bridal Gown Fashioned by Artists


As I shared above, the bridal gown was beyond anything of beauty that I had ever seen on any garment. Not only was it made of otherworldly material, it was fashioned by artists of otherworldly gifts. This, too, is an important message. These gifts are being given to the Church to help the Bride get ready.


In the Old Testament, we often find quotes saying that the Spirit of God came on someone, such as we see in II Chronicles 15:1 or II Chronicles 24:20. However, it was Bezalel who was the first person in the Bible about whom it was said that he was "filled with the Spirit," which we see in Exodus 31:1-5: Now the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "See, I have called by name Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship, to make artistic designs for work in gold, in silver, and in bronze, and in the cutting of stones for settings, and in the carving of wood, that he may work in all kinds of craftsmanship."


Think about this fact: An artist was the first person to be filled with the Holy Spirit, not a priest, king or prophet. This should give us a definite sense of the importance that the Lord gave to art. His dwelling place, the tabernacle, which is a blueprint or model for the Church, the "dwelling place not made with hands," had to be fashioned by the best of all artists. There is a power in art that the Church has not generally recognized for many centuries now. It must be recovered because the Lord is going to give the artists in His house unprecedented power to prophesy through their art.


When we look at nature, any sunset, or any snowflake, it is obvious that there is no artist like God. It is His nature. However, all of the beauty that we see was made out of His love for mankind. It is a gift. This love motivated His art. If you have ever seen a sunset or something of great beauty and had a sense that it was made especially for you to see--it was. God's art is for His people. The reverse is about to become true--the highest art of mankind will come from a love for God.


There is an anointing coming upon artists that is even greater than that which was given to Bezalel for building the tabernacle of Moses. That was but a type, and what is coming is the fulfillment. The glory of the New Covenant is greater than the former, and that which is given to help adorn the Bride will be greater than that which came to help adorn the type. We will not continue to look back at the great masters in history--the greatest masters of all will be now.


There is an anointing that is about to come upon artists that will be from the Holy Spirit. Art will again be motivated by love for God. This art will have a prophetic power such as has not been given to mankind before. The more pure the love, the more pure and powerful the art will be. These are gifts from God to His Bride, and they will touch her in profound ways to draw her heart to Him and be used to express her heart for Him.


The truest art will always come out of the highest worship, and will be high worship. This is why, at the end of this age, the most creative gifts the world will have ever seen will come from the Church. These will be a part of the garment that she will wear, and what she wears will reflect what is in her heart. She will see His glory, she will reflect His glory, and she will produce glory in all that she does. Glory will be her garment, and it will be like a train that follows after her.


The Hebrew word for glory is "kabowd" which literally means "weight." The ultimate glory of the Bride is the weightiest thing in all of creation--it is the love that the Lord has for her. Her true glory is that she was in the Lord's heart from the very beginning; it has never changed and never will. She is the passion of God. Because of this, there will be a whole new revelation of the coming wedding feast. The greatest joy of the creation will be to see the Creator's joy in His Bride. This is the joy that will begin to motivate the new breed of ministry, some of whom will also be the greatest artisans of all time, and will be truly filled with the Spirit.


I am not just talking about painters, sculptors or musicians in this art, but also the true apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers who were given for the equipping of the saints to become the Church we are called to be. They will be so creative in their ministries, that ministry will become one of the most compelling attractions of all. The crafting of words in messages will start to come with such creative power that multitudes will be drawn to their oratory. This is not about entertainment, but an anointing on the art of speaking that the Word of God is worthy to be adorned with.


Creativity, the basic nature of the blessed Creator, will shine through His Church as a witness of His nature. Because her heart will be in such unity with the Creator, creativity will flow from everything she does. The greatest music and the greatest art of every kind will come from the Church as worship to the Lord. These gifts will also both draw and equip the Bride for her highest purpose--her union with the King. It will begin to draw the nations to the feast.


A High Purpose


As I write this, it is only a short time after this prophetic experience and it still dominates my thinking. It has also reoriented my understanding of some basic issues. From the beginning of my Christian life, I have had an understanding of the importance of the Church and how essential a healthy local Church life is to true Christian maturity and the importance of being positioned to fulfill our purpose on the earth. Therefore, I have always sought to build the local Church in all that I do, and to keep a heart for the whole Body of Christ. Even so, before, I had seen the Church as a means to an end--the means for preparing the way for the Kingdom to come; this is her calling of course, but not her main purpose. I saw the Kingdom as a higher purpose, but that has now been reversed--the Church is the higher purpose.


This may seem subtle, and I do not think it will change any of my teaching as much as it will change my devotion and orientation. I now have a fire on me for the Church that I have not had before. I feel a burning desire to see her become all that she is called to be, and to be the Bride that our King is worthy to have.


I think it is more than important to have an understanding of the Kingdom--it is crucial. The Kingdom was the message that the Lord came to preach, and it is the Gospel of the Kingdom that must be preached before the end of this age can come. However, the way that we can best help prepare the way for the Kingdom is to help the Church become what she is called to be. The Lord is not going to come back to set up His Kingdom until His Bride is ready for Him and ready to rule and reign with Him in the Kingdom.


The Lord loves the earth and all it contains. He will restore it to its original purpose as a true paradise, but it is the Bride which makes His heart beat faster, and a main reason for the creation is to enjoy it with His Bride.


We may think that for the Church to see this it would make her arrogant and egocentric, but there are enough forces in the world determined to keep her humble. She needs to see her high purpose to start to live in a manner worthy of her calling. Christians, as the Church, are the true royalty in the earth, and she must start to carry herself with the dignity and respect of her most royal blood. Of course, this is not to be served, but to serve, and to do it with all of the authority she has been given.


Because of this, one of the most important things that all of us can do is find our place in His Church and begin to do all that we can to help her become ready for Him. The true friends of the Bridegroom will never give up on this because of their love for Him. They will not let any disappointments or discouragements deter them from this purpose. The Lord will have a worthy Bride, and those who love will never quit until He does. This is the new breed.


The Weightiest Matter


A few days after I had this revelation, I shared it with Bob Jones. He immediately related it to an astronomical discovery that I was not aware of, which is the recent finding of "the father of all supernovas." The Heavens are given for signs (see Genesis 1:14; Psalm 19). This is a major sign and a timely one. It is believed that at the heart of a supernova there is matter so dense, so heavy, that a teardrop size amount of it would have more weight than all human beings on the earth. This matter is so heavy that it has such a gravitational pull, and it creates "black holes" because this super gravity even keeps light from escaping it. This supernova is supposed to be much larger than any ever discovered before. If it is the greatest of all, then the weightiest matter in creation would be at the center of it. That is what I saw in the middle of the ball of fire--the weightiest matter in the universe because it is what matters to God the most.

在我領受啟示幾天後,我與Bob Jones分享。他立刻告訴我一件最近天文學的新發現:「超級新星(supernovas)之父」。神常常透過天空給我們跡象(見創1:14,詩19)。據信在超級新星的核心有個物質是如此緻密、沉重,僅僅眼淚大小的物質就比在地上所有人類總和的重量還要重!這物質是如此的沉重以至於產生很大的重力牽引,甚至連光線也無法脫逃以至於產生所謂的「黑洞」。這個超級新星比過去所發現的都來得大。如果他是最大的,那麼那最重的物質將是在其中心。這也是我在異象裡看見在火球中央,在宇宙裡最重的物質:因為它是神最在乎的事。

The discovery is no accident, and its timing is prophetic. I expect those who gaze into the true Heavens are likewise going to discover this weightiest of all matters, the Lord's love for His Bride. Just as supernovas create the biggest explosions in the universe and the greatest light emitted in the universe before they become the "black hole" by the denseness of their gravity, I am expecting a similar explosion of greater power than has ever been released before, and greater light than what may ever have been seen before through the Church. By this, she is going to be transformed very quickly into all she is called to be.


The earth hardly even qualifies as a speck of dust in the expanse of the universe. Why would it be given such importance? As King David pondered in Psalm 8, what is man that God would even consider any of us? He is looking for a Bride, a companion, to share His creation with--to share eternity with. That is your calling. There is no higher calling in all of creation than to be a part of His Bride, the Church. She will even ultimately judge angels, sharing His authority, sitting on His throne with Him. As we get closer to Him, we will begin to walk in this.


Again, the main thing that we can do to help the earth in a permanent and lasting way is to help the Church become what she is called to be. The most effective way that we can do this is by loving God more, knowing Him better, abiding in Him and directing the Church's attention to who He is. The Church is in desperate need of knowing who she is called to be, but it is not by knowing who we are in Christ that we will be changed, but by knowing who He is in us. We do not want to worship the temple of the Lord, but the Lord of the temple. Even so, as we come to understand His love for His Bride, we will do everything we can to help her get ready for Him because of our love for Him.


Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries


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