



Dear Saints of Change


This is truly the time to let go of the sorrows and losses of the past season to receive joy and experience a release into your future.  In the biblical Hebraic timetable, we have just entered the Pentecost season.  We must make a “shift” in our minds and thinking processes toward HARVESTThe Spirit of God is developing and molding the shape or outline of our future.  He is giving direction, meaning, and definition to how we will move and be in the days ahead.  Our spiritual life is being disciplined so our mental performance will exceed our creativity levels of the past. New ideas are being conceived.  We must see what training we need to advance as a new, sharp instrument. We are being rearranged so we have a distinctive, new appearance. 

這實在是放下過去季節的憂傷和失敗,領受喜樂和經歷釋放進入未來的時刻。照聖經希伯來曆,我們剛進入五旬節季節。我們的思想意念必須朝著收割來改變。神的靈正在發展塑造我們未來的輪廓。 祂正為我們未來將會如何發展、會成為的樣子,給我們方向、意義和定義。我們屬靈的生命正被訓練,好叫我們的心智表現可以超越我們過去創造力的層次。新的點子正在孕育中。我們必須看見我們需要哪些訓練,好晉升成為新而敏銳的器皿。我們正被重組,好讓我們有獨特的新面貌。 

In 1 Corinthians 16:8, Paul purposed to stay at Ephesus until Pentecost because an effectual door was opened to him for his ministry.  There are many new gates or doors forming and being seen by God’s people at this time. However, many enemies are behind these entry ways into our future.  But the Lord says: “Do not focus on your enemies during this season, but watch the new openings form and be ready to enter into new opportunities that will fully change your life as of NOW! I will give you grace over your enemies.”



The Pentecost Feast was known as the Feast of Weeks (Ex 23:16; 34:22; Lev 23:15-21; Num 28:26-31; Deut 16:9-12; and 2 Chron 8:13). This feast was observed in late May or early June, 50 days after the offering of the barley sheaf at the Feast of Unleavened Bread during Passover. Passover is a time to remember our Deliverance. Pentecost is a time to thank God for our blessings, abundance and rejoice over harvest.


Characteristics of this time include: Joy, Happiness and Celebration. During this Feast, you enter into a time of offering concerning the Firstfruit Dedication (Lev. 23:9-14; 2 Sam. 21:9-10; Ruth 2:23). This is the Feast to thank God for His abundance, which represents blessing.  In the New Testament there are three references to Pentecost.  Other than 1 Corinthians 16:8, and Acts 20:16, the most common reference is Acts 2:1. On this day, after the resurrection and ascension of Christ, the disciples were gathered in a house in Jerusalem , and were visited with signs from heaven. The Holy Spirit descended upon them, and new life, power and blessing were evident.  The 120 turned to 3,000 in one day.  Ask for your 120 to turn to 3,000! The early Christian believers who were gathered in Jerusalem for observance of this feast experienced the outpouring of God's Holy Spirit in a miraculous way. Peter explained that this was a fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel.

這個節期的特徵包括:喜樂、快樂和慶典。在這個節期中,我們進入獻上初熟果子的時刻(利23:9-14;撒下21:9-10;得2:23)。 這個節期是感謝神豐盛的祝福。在新約中有三次提到五旬節。除了哥林多前書16:8和使徒行傳20:16,最常提到的經文是使徒行傳2:1。基督復活升天後,門徒聚集在耶路撒冷一間房子;就在這一日,聖靈降臨在他們身上,彰顯新生命的能力和祝福。


This feast was also known as the Feast of Harvest (Ex 23:16; 34:22; Num 28:26-31; Deut 16:9-14; Lev 23:15-22). The first sheaf offered at Passover and the two leavened loaves at Pentecost marked the beginning and ending of the grain harvest, and sanctified the whole harvest season. The purpose of this feast was to commemorate the completion of the grain harvest. Its distinguishing feature was the offering of “two leavened loaves” made from the new corn of the completed harvest, which, with “two lambs”, were waved before the Lord as a thank offering.   Pentecost also was the time of the giving of the law on Sinai (Ex 12:2,19). At Pentecost the Lord wrote the law on our hearts and initiated the Church Age. This became the first Feast that Christians participated in and celebrated. This should be a time of celebration each year.  I believe the understanding of this Feast is very important.  The spiritual aspect of this is necessary if we are to multiply.   Read Psalm 147:14. Recognize that the Lord had given you the best for the year ahead (Ps 147:14) and present a portion to Him. 




Most of us do not understand harvest time.  Because of our complex lives, we are far removed from the actual production of our food supplies and the origination of the source of our provision. The harvest was a most important season (Gen 8:22; 45:6). Our lives should be aligned and reconciled around a harvest mentality (Gen 30:14; Josh 3:15; Judg 15:1; Ruth 1:22; 2:23; 1 Sam 6:13; 2 Sam 21:9; 23:13).


Revisit and review when you or your family bloodline had a breakthrough and moved forward in some type of harvest shift and mentality. I decree that you will see when any curse entered your bloodline to rob you. Let the Lord remind you of the events that came to kill, steal, and destroy your harvest progression!  Allow this to be:

  1. A season of gathering (Zech. 8).
  2. A season of judgment (Jer. 51:33, Joel 3:13, Rev 14:15).
  3. A season of grace (Jer. 8:20).
  4. A time for the Good News to be heard (Mt. 9:37-38; Jn. 4:35).
  5. An end of a season or age and the beginning of a new season of provision (Mt. 13:39)


1.    收藏的季節(亞8

2.    審判的季節(耶51:33,珥3:13,啟14:15

3.    恩典的季節(耶8:20

4.    得聽福音的時刻(太9:37-38;約4:35

5.    一個季節或時代的結束,和供應的新季節的開始(太13:39



1.    種子是在冬末時播種耕種的。

2.    要禱告求雨─春雨和秋雨(亞10)。

3.    榖類是要先抓緊再用鐮刀收割(申16:9,可4:29)。

4.    已收割的榖要捆成捆(申24:5)。

5.    已收割的榖帶到打榖場。

6.    打榖要用器具。收割有收割的器具。

7.    榖類需要簸揚(拋在空中)。讓風吹走你們的糠秕。

8.    剩下的榖需要在篩子裏篩(摩9:9)你們有些人正在這個過程中。

9.    榖收藏在倉庫裏。找出你的倉庫。



1.    乾旱。求問主,辨識並破除你所有的乾旱。

2.    蝗蟲的入侵。求主除去你收割中的任何吞吃毀壞。

3.    植物病害(黴菌、黴菌)。求主除去你生命中任何的黴菌。

4.    熱,焚風。求主改變任何有害的風。

5.    爭戰。仇敵想要在地土上居住。宣告任何在吞吃你們莊稼的仇敵要逃離你們的地土。




我非常期待我們66-8日的五旬節週末。我們新買的地已經完成整地,我們會去那裏行奉獻禮,埋下經文,並要舉行浸禮!我們會在禮拜五晚7:30 開始聚會,禮拜六一整天,直到禮拜日的下午6點左右。芭芭拉溫卓寶(Barbara Wentroble)、韋休爾斯(Ray Hughes)、約翰和雪兒派爾斯(John & Sheryl Price)、和黛安派克(Diane Buker會一起來加入羅伯特海德勒(Robert Heidler和我。我們會盡情敬拜慶祝,解釋加增的策略和收割的神跡。我們很歡迎你們加入我們,現在就報名參加這個聚會,因為名額有限。報名費每人美金20元。

你們可以上網www.gloryofzion.org報名或打 (888) 965-1099(940) 382-7231報名。會有先知性、醫治、釋放的服事。許多人會想看網路轉播。費用是美金20元,你們可以點這裏報名。以薩迦學校同學參加這週末聚會是可以計算學分的。詳情請寫信到gloryofzion.org以薩迦學校或打1-888-965-1099查詢。

我們每個月的裝備訓練也包含在五旬節週末裏。因此,你若不能參加禮拜五晚或禮拜六聚會,你仍然可以報名參加禮拜日下午2點的裝備訓練。 羅伯特海德勒(Robert Heidler和我會教導「聖靈如何使加增發生」。費用是美金10元。你們可以打(888) 965-1099 (940) 382-7231報名裝備訓練。網路轉播報名請點這裏





恰克皮爾斯  Chuck D. Pierce



第二天:讀出埃及記23章,特別是16節。「又要守收割節,所收的是你們田間所種、勞碌得來初熟之物。並在年底收藏,要守收藏節。」 感謝神祂的帶領。甘心樂意跟隨祂。為祂已經給你們的初熟果子感謝祂。






第八天:讀箴言6:8。經文提到螞蟻的收割思維是給懶惰人的訓誡。破除任何攔阻你住前進的冷漠。背誦箴言20:4「懶惰人因冬寒不肯耕種,到收割的時候,他必討飯而無所得。」求主顯明在你生命中任何攔阻你耕種的懶惰層面。默想 箴言10:5「夏天聚斂的,是智慧之子;收割時沉睡的,是貽羞之子。」破除沉睡的靈。問主你是否在該聚斂的時候沉睡了。




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