Chuck D. Pierce
恰克•皮爾斯(Chuck D. Pierce)
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BE READY-There is a Way of Escape!
“Prophetic Word Released for a Time Such as This!”
The Lord says, “Let the sound of reformation come into you. Feel the brooding of My Spirit over you. My Spirit brooded over the confusion of the earth realm, and I can brood over your confusion. Fully submit your spirit to gain insight into My plan of reformation. Ministries are reforming. Lives are reforming. Cities are changing. Church gatherings are reforming. There is a cataclysmic ending and beginning going on in the earth that is creating My plan of fullness. There is a mounting up. Angels are guarding your reforming. Life systems around you are changing. The water is being applied to the clay and the Potter’s wheel is accelerating. You must be ready and start coming up and I’ll meet you half way. I will overshadow you as you ascend. I will shadow you and bring you through the confusion you’ve been in. Be ready. Come up. Ascend and watch that confusion end.
I am making you ready now. Watch Me get you ready. Be ready to move with Me quickly. Be ready to make a quick decision. Be ready to move and advance with Me. Be ready for the third day. Be ready for the change. Be ready for your new assignment. Be ready to move with Me. Be ready, for the third day is coming over you and overshadowing you! I am working in your life to make you ready. Like Peter’s mother-in-law, be ready to rise up from that fever that has held you down. Be ready to serve Me. Be ready to go up. Be ready to be assigned. Be ready to make that change. Be ready to go forward. Be ready to demonstrate My power in the path where I have placed you.
Be ready for the change that is about to happen in your life. Be ready! Sanctify and ready yourself, for this is a day that I will call you quickly and change your circumstance quickly and cause you to rise up. From the direction you were taking, you will shift immediately. Be ready, for changes are coming suddenly. I AM singing ‘Suddenly! Suddenly!’ Sing with Me and ready yourself to move quickly. Be ready for the call. Keep your lamp ready. Keep the oil filled within you. Make ready. Be ready. Move forward with Me when I call, for the call is ‘on the way’ to you. Many of you have grown weary in the delay, but be ready, for this day of change is upon you. Do not grow weary in doing what is right. Keep your lamps trimmed. My hour of visitation is near you. Be ready and don’t go to sleep. Be ready to move.
This is a day that I AM re-orchestrating your circumstance. The circumstance around you has attempted to invade your atmosphere of hope. Now I am re-orchestrating that circumstance. Even over the last 18 months you have seen and resisted the rearrangement of things. Now I will re-orchestrate the event. Watch for the event that I am bringing you to. Watch for the time of change and be ready. Know and rehearse My word. Move in the dark structure around you with My word.
The gate of your entry is forming. The next level of revelation is coming. Be ready. Refill yourself with oil. Be ready to move quickly with me. Take your lamp and say, ‘Lord, I don’t want to be foolish.’ Be ready with My word. Be ready with My word at a moment. Sanctify yourself. Make Me be full in your heart. Be ready. But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you are blessed. Do not be afraid of threats nor be troubled. I am ready to remove anything that’s troubling you. Deliverance is coming. I WILL remove the anxiousness in My people, for deliverance is coming.
Sanctify your hearts and always be ready to give a defense for the reason for the hope that is in you. Let hope spring up. Let the defense of hope be readied upon your tongue. Be ready now to defend your hope that is within you. Do not allow the hope to flicker and go out. If you allow the hope to go out, the defense that you must create in your atmosphere will not be able to be created. Renew your hope today. Fill yourself with hope that you might defend the hope that is within you. The enemy has come and put you on the defensive, so defend your hope today. Do not back up and do not come into agreement with the enemy who has tried to squeeze hope out and cause your faith shield to fall. Defend your hope today. Ready yourself and allow My words to form within your mouth in a new way. My word is very near to your mouth. It will form in your mouth and what you need to say today will rise up.
Throughout My Kingdom I decree that a new word is ready and on the lips of MY people today. They will have the right word and will be favored. They will pick up the phone and call. They will pick up the phone when they are called. They will be ready to go to their next call and assignment. Be ready to rise up immediately from your infirm state and serve. My word is coming alive again. Ready yourself to be healed! Some of you have come into agreement with your infirm state. You are lying still but you are not ready to be healed. I sent My word and healed them. My word is very near to you.
Your deliverance is near. Ready yourself, for your deliverance is near. Ready yourself, for the enemy is targeting My people in a different new way! Ready yourself with the word of defense. I AM planning a surprise confrontation of the enemy that is coming against My people.
The next five months will be intense! Ready yourself with the word at all times. Defend the hope that is within you. I am rearranging and reforming circumstances around you today. Ready yourself to move quickly. I will assign you in the night watch in the next several weeks and months. I will rise you up in the night watch so by noonday the terror has passed you!” (Personal note: The Lord seems to be combining the night watch with the noonday watch.)
“Give Me the hour and ready yourself, and your oil will remain full within you. When words come against you in the morning hour, by noonday you will break through. I am resting on you and loosing this through the atmosphere of MY Kingdom.
Be ready, for certain things will end suddenly and new ways will open and begin suddenly. Do not fear your abandonment! Just be ready to move into the next place that I offer you. Some of you will move into a new realm of helping. This is a season where the gift of helps will be exalted in a new way and made efficient. Some of you will move into a gift of healing, for My people must be readied and healed. Counseling will take a back seat to impartation during this time. Word of wisdom will come by My Spirit, word of knowledge will be released, and you will know immediately how to move. The time of counseling is not at hand but the time of advancement and ‘suddenly’ is upon you! Therefore, ready yourself.
My word will stir within you and you will hear a word behind you telling you which way to go. New circuits are being replaced. I am beginning to remove the circuits My people have been on and create new circuits.”
I also want to give a personal exhortation to South Korea: Be ready! There will be a great cataclysmic event. In January, I traveled to Korea and gave a word that they would release a missile in April. This would be a sign. Make yourself ready and be alert to what is happening around you. Be ready. I call in that next generation. They will leave their foolishness and will make their lamps ready. California , be ready! Florida , be ready! Taiwan and China , be ready! Shakings are coming. Houston, be ready—visitation is coming!