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September 18, 2005
Kathie & David Walters: Wind of the Spirit -- Urgent Call to Parents and Church Leaders Kathie & David Walters Good News Ministries
I Saw the Wind of the Spirit on the Children. . .
When I was recently in Australia, I was awakened up by a wind in my hotel room. I sat up in bed, and I immediately saw this same wind come upon many children all over the world. I saw them laying in bed, just as I was, and then this same wind woke them up. They were immediately wide awake.
These children heard the voice of the Lord and began to prophesy and see visions of things that were to come. I saw adults look their way, but not take them seriously. The adults continued with what they were doing. Many revivals have started with children.
Over the last 35 years, we have seen many thousands of children with a powerful anointing, prophesying, praying for the sick, and many miracles happening. So in a sense, what I saw was not new, but the wind that came began to touch children and youth who were not so familiar with the anointing and power of God.
I have seen judgments released, as children have prophesied. You do know that God's judgments lead to life? I have been with children who have prophesied about the closing of a church. They prophesied that the church had rejected a move of God, which they had actually prayed for. They prophesied that the pastor was about to leave his wife and family, and that the church would close in three weeks. They prophesied that someone would take the money. When they were through, they asked if they could "go and play now." Let me tell you, within three weeks, it (had) all happened.
God Doesn't See Age
The religious spirits doesn't like to hear these things. "Oh, let the children play; they can get serious about God when they are older." I wish the devil would see it that way. Well he doesn't; he is after your children before they are born. The enemy has an abortion program in place, and if that doesn't work, he will use demonic activity through toys, games, TV, and movies. Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating paranoia, but we as parents have to be watchful. God doesn't see age.
As my husband David says, "Children do not have a baby or junior Holy Spirit; they have the same sized Holy Spirit as you or anyone else." God is not interested in age. There is no age, time, or distance in the Spirit realm.
Someone got upset recently because my husband mentioned "hell" in a children's meeting. "Don't tell them about things like that; it will give them nightmares," they said. Well you know what? God has given children visions of Heaven and visions of hell. It dramatically changes their lives. If you had a vision of hell, it would make you a lot more concerned about the unsaved. Often in the meetings, when the kids have seen such things, an anointing comes strong, and there is strong intercession for the souls of the lost.
Prepare is Better Than Repair
So now is the time to prepare them. Children and youth, prepare your church, the parents in your church, and the children's pastors. When the children are anointed (and you are supposed to bring them into the anointing), it's no use giving them a few coloring books.
How many more times do they need to hear about Daniel in the lion's den? Daniel is a great inspirational story, but they also need to be equipped in the power of the Spirit. Make sure they have their own experience of the power and presence of God; get them filled with the Holy Spirit. Teach them about the gifts of the Spirit. Teach them how to pray in the Holy Spirit -- with power and anointing.
A child's dream saves a village. A man we knew, years ago, had a great prophetic ministry. He lived in the US, but in his dad's village, in Europe, a young boy had a dream. In the dream, God told him to tell the Christians in the village to move out of Romania, as there was severe persecution coming. The church elders listened to the young boy, and they left, somehow managing to get to England. Well you know the story of Romania under communist rule; very severe persecution came, and many Christians were imprisoned and killed.
I have thought sometimes, "Suppose those elders had not listened. Suppose they were like many church leaders who want to keep the kids in the playroom and give them little stories and coloring books and think they were not spiritually relevant because they were children." But what did Jesus say?
"I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, You have hidden these things from the wise and the prudent and have revealed them unto babes." (Matthew11:25).
"Let the little children come to Me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven. Assuredly I say to you, whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein." ( Mark 10:14-15)
Children Need to be Equipped and Anointed
The enemy's army is being trained. When my husband David first began to bring children into the anointing, he had a vision. He saw in this vision, young Muslim boys 8-years-old and up, being trained with weapons, grenades, guns, explosives, etc. Then, he saw western church children -- especially American children and teens -- hanging out, being entertained with videos, games, pizza parties, etc. The Lord spoke to him and said, "The enemy is training his army, and My church is entertaining her children."
These children he saw in the vision are today's terrorists. As most of you know, David has spent over 15 years endeavoring to give a vision to churches about God's destiny on the Children.
Children need their own encounter with God. Children need to be Equipped in the Anointing. Children need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and move in the Gifts of the Spirit. Children need to be taught to be powerful and strong in the Spirit.
These are God's arrows
These children are God's arrows, which we are to sharpen. The Bible says that the arrows are to be fired into the city gates. The city gates represent the places of authority, for it was where the elders sat.
"As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are children of the youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate" (Psalm 127: 4,5)
God's answer has always been a baby. When the Children of Israel were in bondage, under Pharaoh, God did not send a mighty army to deliver them, but He sent a mighty deliverer in a little basket -- Moses -- who led them out of captivity. When Israel was captive under Rome, God didn't send a mighty army, but He sent a mighty babe in a manger -- Jesus!
Jesus was anointed and appointed to bring deliverance to the captives. We must learn to see as God sees. When Pharaoh's daughter saw Moses, she saw a cute little baby. But when God saw Moses in the little basket, He saw Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, and Leviticus. God has a big vision.
When Adam sinned, God didn't go back to the drawing board and build a bigger and better Adam, did He? He brought forth a baby -- Jesus. That's why the devil tried to destroy Him, through Herod's "slaughter of the innocents."
What do You See?
Well Mom, Dad, Children's Pastors, and Senior Pastor, what do you see when you look at the kids in your church? Do you see sweet, bothersome little kids, who can't do much? Do you see a cute little kid who needs to be put in another room, with a coloring book and a cookie, so they don't disturb anyone? Or do you see what God sees?
God has a replacement program. God's answer to that ungodly TV anchor women is one of His arrows, one of His replacements. That ungodly Congressman will be replaced by one of God's arrows that is being sharpened in the Spirit, even now. God always has a replacement program, if only we can see it.
Children do not have a junior Holy Spirit. They have the same Holy Spirit as in anyone else. Sure they can't do much in the natural, but under the anointing, they are just as powerful as anyone else. They can prophesy the word of the Lord, they can lay hands on the sick, and they can cast out devils. Oh yes, we have seen children cast devils out of people. We have witnessed kids being caught up into Heaven many times, powerful intercession happening through them, and many miracles.
Move over, Church, God wants His church back; and that includes the children. Some of the most powerful intercession meetings I have ever been in (and I have been in some pretty wild ones) have been with children and youth.
Intercession From the Play Room -- or Pray Room
My own young daughter saw in a vision, the downing of an American plane in the Gulf war. She saw the pilot parachute out; she saw him in the desert, looking for somewhere to hide from the enemy troops nearby. She was praying in the spirit for him the whole time. She saw an American plane coming, looking for him. As she prayed, she saw the plane locate his beeper and pick him up. This pilot's testimony was in Readers Digest 2 years later. God is placing kids in the ranks of His army, some of them on the front lines.
God told me He is placing the young people -- those who are trained and sharpened -- in the ranks of His army. I saw some of them being placed in the front row. God has used my daughters in intercession and in visions to save the life of someone. God doesn't think the children are too young to be used. The devil doesn't either. The devil doesn't say, "Oh, they are so cute; I won't bother them now. I will wait until they are older."
No! He is after them before they are born. The enemy has a good program going called abortion. If that doesn't work, he will try and overtake them with occult cartoons and ungodly teachers.
I am not saying there is not time for coloring or playing; of course, there is. But I am saying, that can't be all. They need to be equipped in the power of God and walk in their spiritual inheritance. Their inheritance is not religion but the supernatural realm of the spirit.
What are You Believing For?
So, let me ask you, what are you believing for in the children? I always believed that God was very interested in my children. I believed that He wanted to make Himself known to them, so I released my faith and believed it.
When my oldest daughter Faith was four years old, two angels came and took her into Heaven for several hours. She saw and heard things that there was no way she could know in the natural. She came back speaking in tongues and prophesying and seeing visions. Jesus baptized her in the Spirit in Heaven.
My youngest daughter Lisa had supernatural experiences of her own, when she was very young. It has never been a question of only her "Mom and Dad's" God. God spoke to our kids and showed them the realm of Heaven. We taught them it was normal.
So Many Miracles
Miracles and the laying on of sticky fingers, is how my spirit is stirred up today. Don't be blind to the purposes of God and ignore one of the most powerful weapons God has made available to your church. Through the laying on of sticky fingers, as David calls it, you will see more miracles happen in your church, than ever before.
As you let the kids be equipped in the anointing, the prophetic word will reach a new level. We want to help you train your mighty young (and older) warriors and bring them into the anointing. Maybe you will host a conference for youth in the area. We need people who will catch the vision and step out in faith to facilitate what God is doing, right now. It is God's time for this!
Kathie & David Walters Good News Ministries
Catherine Brown's Upcoming Itinerary:
September 21 - October 3, 2005 Markus Moser Hurdnerw?ldlistr. 91 8808 Pf?ffikon, SZ Zurich, Switzerland email:
Oct 7 - 9, 2005 In Jesus name Ministries 731 East 21st St. Bakersfield CA 93305-5240 email:
Dec 9 - 10 Mighty Young Warriors Conference High Point Church 2963 Hollis Road Macon, GA 31206 email: